16 December 2019
A business-wide renewed focus on safety, including an overhaul of how work on live powerlines and increased safety messaging to customers are among the initiatives underway at Ausgrid.
Ausgrid recently published its annual Electricity Network Safety Management System performance report which shows some of the activities that Ausgrid is doing to improve safety across the network including the management of bushfire risk.
The report includes information about major incidents on the network, safety risks from the loss of electricity supply and how Ausgrid communicates safety messages to the public.
General Manager of Asset Management Junayd Hollis said many of the measures introduced this year demonstrate Ausgrid’s renewed focus on safety.
Ausgrid completed a comprehensive annual safety program this year to ensure the electricity network is ready for bushfire season, with more than 190,000 air and ground inspections carried out in 2019 in the cooler months well before bushfire season.
Junayd Hollis, General Manager of Asset Management
“Whether it is bushfire safety or a review of live work activity, safety at Ausgrid has never had a greater focus.
“We continue to remind the community they need to always stay at least 8metres away from any fallen powerlines and always assume they are live”, he said.
You can read more about Ausgrid’s commitment to safety in the full report in the Electricity Network Safety Management System Performance Report 2018-2019.