After this evening's storm 120K customers are without power. Ausgrid emergency crews are working overnight to make repairs. For the latest update click here. Report electrical emergencies on 13 13 88 or online.




Under section 170 of the Heritage Act 1977, we maintain a register of more than 100 environmental heritage assets that we own and manage. Eleven of our heritage assets are also listed on the State Heritage Register and managed in accordance with relevant legislation and guidelines.

Both registers are publicly available by searching the State Heritage Inventory.

John Whitton Bridge

The John Whitton Bridge carries the northern railway line across the Parramatta River between the Sydney suburbs of Rhodes and Meadowbank. The 1886 bridge is of NSW historical significance and is one of 12 double lattice girder bridges remaining on the NSW railway system. The bridge is an example of significant technical achievement due to its considerable length, being the longest bridge of its kind in NSW. The bridge was converted for pedestrian and cycle use in 2000, providing a link between the City of Ryde and Homebush Bay.

When we needed to replace existing electricity cables between our Top Ryde substation and our network connection at Wentworth Point, we explored a range of options. The existing cables crossed Parramatta River and presented a number of environmental and technical challenges. We opted to use the cavity within the bridge.

We identified ways to minimise the impacts of the new cables on the heritage bridge, including:

  • the use of a lightweight fibreglass high strength conduits
  • the use of suitable coloured conduit to reduce visual impact
  • clamping the conduits onto the bridge framework rather than drilling into it.

Working with Ryde Council, Transport for NSW, Roads and Maritime Services and Bicycle NSW we gained approval from NSW Heritage Office to install the feeders while maintaining access for pedestrians and cyclists.