Time of Use Tariff

We are simplifying our tariffs

Seasonal peak periods were introduced in 2018 to reduce the number of months the peak periods apply. From July 1, 2024, Ausgrid is further simplifying our tariffs. This includes making the peak charging window the same in summer and winter, and moving it to later in the day.


Customers with certain types of meters can choose to go on a time-of-use tariff. This means your electricity use is charged at different prices during two different time periods known as peak and off-peak. This type of pricing provides incentives for you to save money by shifting your usage out of peak periods to less expensive off-peak periods.

  • Prices are cheaper in off-peak and more expensive during peak times.
  • Your energy retailer may choose to apply different peak / off peak times and charges.
  • To find out which times and charges have been applied to your bill, please contact your electricity retailer.

Time-of-use peak periods

When does the peak pricing apply?

The peak pricing applies from 3pm to 9pm all days in the June-August and November-March periods. For residential customers peak pricing will occur every day during these months. For small business customers peak pricing will occur working weekdays only.

When does the off-peak pricing apply?

For off-peak, we have combined the off-peak and shoulder charging windows. Now off-peak charges apply at all times in spring and autumn and outside of the peak charging window in summer and winter.

Seasonal variations

During the months of April, May, September or October there are no peak periods, reflecting the reduced energy needs of our customers during this time and the decreased impact that has on the network. We have also removed the low season peak demand charge so that demand charges do not apply outside of summer and winter.

Customer peak periods

For residential customers: Ausgrid’s peak pricing window is every day between 3pm and 9pm all days in the June-August and November-March periods.

For small business customers: Ausgrid’s peak pricing window is Monday to Friday (working weekdays) between 3pm and 9pm all days in the June-August and November-March periods.

Time of Use Peak periods 

 Ausgrid's Network Tariff Price List

Ausgrid’s Network Tariff Price List and can be found here. For questions about tariffs and prices please contact pricing@ausgrid.com.au.