Your Rights and Guaranteed Service Levels
We are committed to maintaining a high level of service to our customers. We also have obligations to maintain certain levels of service under the Guaranteed Service Level (GSL) scheme, the National Energy Retail Rules (NSW), the Electricity Supply Act 1995 (NSW) and regulations.

If your premises is or you are seeking to have your premises connected to Ausgrid's network, we are required to provide this connection in accordance with your customer connection contract. You can find copies of our standard terms and conditions for most connections in our About your Connection section.

Your rights and our obligations depend on your contract with Ausgrid. Under our standard connection contract, if we do not meet certain GSL requirements, you may be eligible to receive a payment.


How you make a claim is changing

We're making it easier for you to make a Guaranteed Service Level (GSL) claim in relation to power outages.

If you think that Ausgrid has not met the Service Standards in our Distribution Network Service Provider’s Licence, you may be eligible for a payment. The new requirements will benefit customers by having fewer eligibility criteria and a higher payment amount.

This change applies for outages occurring from 1 July 2024; however, you can still make a claim for outages occurring between 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024 until 30 September 2024. Please see below for more details.



You are entitled to a payment for the following:

  • Guaranteed service levels for outages after 1 July 2024

    The following Guaranteed Service Levels are imposed under Ausgrid's Distribution Network Service Provider’s Licence and apply to interruptions occurring from 1 July 2024.

    Ausgrid must pay claims for compensation if it exceeds certain thresholds in relation to the total length of time that it interrupts a customer's supply of electricity and the frequency of such interruptions in a financial year. To be eligible for a GSL payment a customer must:

    • be the electricity account holder at the time that all eligible interruptions occur (note: some interruptions are excluded, such as interruptions for planned network maintenance).

    • for GSL1 payment of $120, must experience 20 total hours of interruptions or 10 interruptions in a single financial year.

    • for a GSL2 payment of $148.93, must experience 48 total hours of interruptions or 20 interruptions in a single financial year.

    If Ausgrid exceeds the interruption standard at a customer’s premises during a financial year, a customer may be entitled to one GSL1 and one GSL2 payment per year. The claim for payment must be made within three months of the end of the financial year. Please note that interruptions that occurred between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 are covered by the previous GSL scheme and claims for this period can be made until 30 September 2024 (see below).

    Where Ausgrid receives a claim for compensation, Ausgrid must determine the claim and notify the customer of the determination within 12 weeks. Where the claim is to be paid, the notice of determination must include the amount to be paid and the manner and timing of the payment. Where the determination is not to pay the claim, either in part or in full, the notice of determination must include the reasons for the decision.

    If requested by a customer, Ausgrid will provide written information on the availability of these payments.

    Making a claim

    To make a claim for Guaranteed Service Levels for Network Reliability and Performance, read the FAQs and supporting information in the Guaranteed Service Levels Brochure. To ensure you understand the rules that apply, please refer to the supporting Claims FAQs before making your Claim

  • Guaranteed service levels for outages before 1 July 2024

    The following customer service standards are imposed under Ausgrid's Distribution Network Service Provider’s Licence. These apply to outages which have occurred between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024. You will be able to make a claim for outages in this period until September 30 2024.

    Ausgrid must pay claims for compensation if it exceeds certain standards in relation to the length of time that it interrupts a customer's supply of electricity and the frequency of such interruptions. 

    Interruption Duration Standard 

    The current Interruption Duration Standard is 12 hours for metropolitan areas and 18 hours for non-metropolitan areas. If Ausgrid exceeds the Interruption Duration Standard, a customer may make a claim to Ausgrid for a payment of $80 (inc GST). The claim must be made within three months of the interruption.

    Interruption Frequency Standard 

    The current Interruption Frequency Standard for metropolitan areas is 4 interruptions of more than 4 hours and 4 interruptions of more than 5 hours for non-metropolitan areas. Certain interruptions arising from severe weather events and other emergency type situations are not considered interruptions. 

    If Ausgrid exceeds the Interruption Frequency Standard at a customer’s premises during a financial year, a customer may make a claim once a year for a payment of $80 (incl. GST). The claim must be made within three months of the end of the financial year. 

    The total amount payable to a customer in any financial year for claims made in relation to Ausgrid exceeding the Interruption Frequency Standard and the Interruption Duration Standard is $320 (incl. GST). 

    Where Ausgrid receives a claim for compensation, Ausgrid must determine the claim and notify the customer of the determination within one month. Where the claim is to be paid, the notice of determination must include the amount to be paid and the manner and timing of the payment. Where the determination is not to pay the claim, either in part or in full, the notice of determination must include the reasons for the decision. 

    If requested by a customer, Ausgrid will provide written information on the availability of these payments.

    Making a claim

    To make a claim for Customer Service Standards for Network Reliability, read the FAQs and supporting information in the Customer Service Standards Brochure . Refer to the supporting Claims FAQs  before making your Claim

  • Guaranteed service levels for streetlights

    Ausgrid must repair faulty street lights by the date that is agreed with an affected customer. If Ausgrid does not repair a faulty streetlight by the date agreed with the customer, Ausgrid must pay that customer $25.00 as compensation for the loss of illumination.

  • Guaranteed service levels for connections

    Ausgrid must perform connection services by the date that is agreed with the customer. If Ausgrid agrees to perform a connection service under its Deemed Standard Connection Contract and does not perform that service by the date agreed with the customer, Ausgrid must pay the customer $60 for each day that elapses from the agreed date until the date Ausgrid performs the service (up to an annual maximum amount of $300).

Overview of your rights and guaranteed service levels

  • About the Deemed Standard Connection Contract

    Ausgrid is required to provide its customers with ongoing supply services in accordance with the Deemed Standard Connection Contract (DSCC)

    If a customer is already connected to Ausgrid's distribution system, the DSCC is deemed to apply to the customer when the customer starts to take supply of electricity at the premises.

    In the case of a connection where electricity has ceased to flow, the DSCC will apply when electricity begins to flow again.

    If the customer is not yet connected to Ausgrid's distribution system, the customer will have another contract with Ausgrid for physical connection services and the DSCC will apply in accordance with the terms and conditions of that other contract. For further details on the contracts that relate to physical connection services, see model standing offers.

    Ausgrid and the customer both have rights and obligations under the DSCC. These relate to:

    • the installation and maintenance of equipment at the customer's premises
    • the provision of information including in relation to life support equipment at the premises (Life support information)
    • small generators connected to Ausgrid's distribution system and located at the premises
    • wrongful and illegal use of electricity
    • Ausgrid's right to access the premises
    • Ausgrid's right to interrupt or disconnect supply and its related notice and reconnection obligations
    • payment of charges for customer connection services
    • the customer's obligation to comply with certain specific and unique conditions in relation to the premises that applied to the premises prior to the customer occupying the premises (known as specific conditions).
  • Information on your energy consumption and charges

    If you or your retailer requests us, we will provide you with information about your energy consumption or our charges.

    We will provide this information once every 12 months without charge. Find out more

  • Our service standards

    Ausgrid must meet a number of distribution service standards for small customers. Ausgrid must report on any failures to meet these standards and may be liable for penalties for any such failures. In addition, some of these standards are Guaranteed Service Levels and a breach of those standards entitles the affected customer to compensation of a prescribed amount.

    There are a number of sources of Ausgrid’s distribution service standards:

    Energisation and Re-energisation by agreed date with small customer

    Where a small customer is entitled to energisation or re-energisation of their premises, Ausgrid must carry out that energisation or re-energisation by the end of the next business day, or by the end of the second business day if the request is made after 3pm on a business day. A business day is a normal working day, Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.


    Where Ausgrid is entitled to de-energise a customer's premises other than at the request of a retailer or due to the customer's illegal actions, Ausgrid must give the customer a disconnection warning notice. The disconnection warning notice warns the customer that its premises will or may be de-energised and contains details relating to the de-energisation and also the applicable re-energisation procedures.

    Where a small customer makes a request through their retailer, for the de-energisation of their premises, Ausgrid must de-energise the customer’s premises within 2 days of the request.

    There are circumstances where Ausgrid must not de-energise a small customer's premises, these are:

    • where the premises are registered with life support equipment
    • where the customer has made a complaint to Ausgrid or the Energy and Water Ombudsman (NSW) regarding de-energisation and the complaint is not resolved
    • during a 'protected period' which is:
      • a business day before 8am or after 3pm; or
      • a Friday or the day before a public holiday; or
      • a weekend or public holiday; or
      • the days between 20 December and 31 December in any year; or
      • if you are being disconnected for a failure to pay, during an extreme weather event.

    Notice to small customers after disconnection

    Ausgrid must provide a small customer with a notice following disconnection of their premises at their retailer's request. The notice must set out the retailer's contact details and the arrangements that must be made by the small customer for the power to be reconnected.

    Fault information and reporting telephone number 

    Ausgrid is required to maintain a 24 hour fault information and reporting telephone number. This number is 13 13 88 and the charge for calling this number is the cost of a local call.

    Planned interruptions 

    Where Ausgrid is required to interrupt supply due to planned maintenance, repair or augmentation of the transmission or distribution system or due to a new or altered connection, Ausgrid must give at least 4 business days' notice. 

    Ausgrid may seek your consent to a different notice period and if you agree, the varied notice period applies instead.

    Unplanned interruptions 

    Ausgrid may have to interrupt the supply of electricity to carry out unanticipated or unplanned maintenance or repairs in any case where there is an actual or apprehended threat to the safety, reliability or security of the supply of energy (known as an unplanned interruption). In such circumstances, Ausgrid will make available by way of a 24 hour telephone service, information on the nature of the interruption and an estimate of the time when supply will be restored or when reliable information on restoration of supply will be available.

    Ausgrid will provide this information within 30 minutes of being advised of the interruption or otherwise as soon as practicable. Ausgrid will use its best endeavours to restore supply as soon as possible.